Friday, January 18, 2013

Retirement Party for Eileen and Barbara

We had a wonderful party today to celebrate Eileen Sugars and Barbara Eckenberg's retirement from St. Luke's hospital. The first picture is the group of us who worked together for many many years in the cardiac intensive care unit. We had quite a team, and still have such affection for each other!!

Carol, Ardis and Toni in front. Janet, Kris, Barb, Diane, Ann and Melodee in the middle and Clint, Rick, Wayne, Susan and Eileen in the back.

Clint and Roxie Mattson were our hosts today at their lovely home in Maple, Wisconsin

These gals are gloating because they are all retired! Ardis, Bonnie, Barb, Eileen and Melodee

Yea for these good friends Eileen and Barbara!!Good nurses who can now enjoy this new phase of their lives!
Rick and Eileen

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