Monday, October 8, 2012

Celebrating Delia's Upcoming 60th Birthday!!

 Lunch out at the Sala Thai restaurant with pumpkin custard dessert instead of cake!!
 Delia's rummage sale find! Brand New Quilted King size bedspread and 2 matching pillow shams for $8!!! (still in the package!)
 Close up of her find! Don't tell Steve she is going to surprise him and put in on their bed when he is at work!
 I gave her 6 red things for her 60th birthday plus a book for good measure! Our initals are DLR (Delia Loves Red) and SLR (Susan Loves Green!)
We forgot to have someone take our picture together so we took these foolish ones with the iPhone before she left! What a nice nice weekend we had, why does it never seem enough when it is time for her to leave? We are blessed indeed!! Happy Birthday my dearest childhood friend! Love you!

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