Friday, June 1, 2012

Taylor and Maddi stay with us at the Cabin during our Cousin's week. May 2012

 Taylor age 9
 Maddi age 7
 Maddi singing and dancing!
 Sisters fresh out of the bath tub.
 Maddi's blue eyes......
 Taylor's blue eyes.........
 Sisters who love each other and play together, ya gotta love it!
 Cousin Colin came to have lunch with us at the cabin
 Oh my, they do love Connie!
Entertaining us......will we send her to Hollywood???

This is our 3rd year at the cabin and the girls have stayed with us each year, this year just stayed one night and they had to skip school to do it, but Mom Ami gave the OK. These girls are so easy to have, they eat anything, help around the cabin, say please and thank you and have a whole lot of love to give! They make Sandi and I smile and we love them dearly!

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