Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The saga of the right hand.....

 Right hand with its mass that I have had for over 2 years, no pain, just starting to cramp!
 Note the bulge by my thumb and pointer finger.
 After surgery, where she took out a "substantial" amount of lipoma (fatty tumor) out.
She said it was really taking up a lot of space in my hand! She says Lipomas are a mystery.
Today the splint comes off and the stitches come out. There is still a lot of swelling.
She said it was tricky getting the fingers of the nerve off of the mass, so she is so
happy I have no sensation problems, she was concerned there would be some numbness!
Thank you Lord there is not!
Back in a removable splint, so I can Take it off to wash my hands, shower, but no swimming or soaking in
dishwater for a couple weeks! I have to do exercises with my putty ball! (I feel like Grandma Benham).
I can go back to work tomorrow, She asks that I just do refills for 2 days as it is less typing than triage!
There you have it!!!

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