Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dad at the Cousin's Week May 2012

 Dad and his youngest nephew Paul
 Dad and some of his many nephews. Dan, George, Dick and David. Back row Dennis and Paul
 Dad and his 2nd oldest nephew David, Dad was 15 when he was born
 Dad with California Cousin Julie.
 Dad with California Cousin Connie, These 2 girls are so crazy for the "Patriarch"
Dad and Mandi, his granddaughter by marriage, Robert's wife.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cousin's week at the Cabin May 2012

 At the town hall on Saturday~15 of us first cousins
 Barb, Dick and Linda share a laugh
 Cindy, Linda, Connie and in back Sandi, Julie and Susan
 4 brothers~Cousin Bill, Dan, Dale and Dick
 Cousins Dan, Dale and Susan (such fun guys!)
 a different group of 15 of us!
Cousins and Sisters~Sandi, Susan, Julie, Connie and Cindy
What a wonderful week we had together!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

April Showers brought May Flowers

May Promise

Winter's worst is safely past;
Window sashes lift at last;
Sleeves grow short
as days grow long;
Nights will soon
have cricket song.
~D. A. W.

Photos from my drive home after work today,
Taken with my iPhone4s
82 degrees, I can hear the leaves opening!
What a grand day in MAY!
Hope you have enjoyed it with me ~Susan

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The saga of the right hand.....

 Right hand with its mass that I have had for over 2 years, no pain, just starting to cramp!
 Note the bulge by my thumb and pointer finger.
 After surgery, where she took out a "substantial" amount of lipoma (fatty tumor) out.
She said it was really taking up a lot of space in my hand! She says Lipomas are a mystery.
Today the splint comes off and the stitches come out. There is still a lot of swelling.
She said it was tricky getting the fingers of the nerve off of the mass, so she is so
happy I have no sensation problems, she was concerned there would be some numbness!
Thank you Lord there is not!
Back in a removable splint, so I can Take it off to wash my hands, shower, but no swimming or soaking in
dishwater for a couple weeks! I have to do exercises with my putty ball! (I feel like Grandma Benham).
I can go back to work tomorrow, She asks that I just do refills for 2 days as it is less typing than triage!
There you have it!!!