Monday, April 23, 2012

Love Conquerors All

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

Love conquers death. Love leaves the believer with no closed door to heaven, with no hopelessness of the grave, with no fear of the wrath to come, with no terror of the darkness, with no dread of the proclamation, “Depart from me, I never knew you.” Love loudly exclaims, “Welcome to the place prepared for you. Welcome to my Father’s house. Welcome home!” Love never gives up.

Love conquers life. Life cannot get in the way of love, hinder love’s purpose, or quench its progress. Life’s routine cannot restrict love’s spontaneity; life’s demands cannot quench love’s expression; life’s limitations cannot hinder love’s limitless flow. Love overcomes where life stumbles, love heals where life falters, and love endures where life fails. Love endures every circumstance.

Love conquers angels, principalities, and powers. Love has no fear or dread of the unknown, the unseen, or the unfamiliar. Love’s power cannot be manipulated, hijacked, or counterfeited. Love unlocks the door to every purpose under heaven, releases the grip of every chain that keeps us from doing the Father’s will, and provides the final answer to every mystery that is beyond our own understanding. Love never loses faith.

Love conquers things present. Love is not caught up in trends, fads, what’s “in” or what just went “out.” Love is not captivated by momentary fame or fast fleeing celebrity. Love sees the incomparable, eternal weight of glory, it celebrates the things that endure forever, and it places the expedient upon the altar of the eternal. Love is always hopeful.

Love conquers things to come. Love has perfect vision and eyesight. It looks into the future with the assurance of hope, with a confidence that casts out all fear, and with an unshakeable certainty that His kingdom will come. Love looks past the governments of men to the throne of the King, it looks past financial forecasts to the One who meets every need, it looks past the pundit’s predictions to the promises of a faithful God. Love believes all things.

Love conquers height and depth. Love reaches far beyond the explorations of space or the knowledge of the cosmos. Love goes directly, without hindrance of time or distance, to the very heart of God. There is nothing beyond love’s grasp, nothing below its reach. Love knows where you are and what you need. You will never be outside its borders or too far away to reach you in time. Love never fails.

Love conquers every created thing. Love is better than the best thing, more relevant than the latest thing, more enduring than the longest lasting thing. Love needs no patent, no marketing scheme, no advertising campaign, no money back warranty, and no appraiser to try and determine its value. Love is the greatest thing!
~meet me in the meadow

I am so grateful for God's love to me~Susan

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