Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cathy and Family Come for a Visit!

 sisters Luisa and Laila with their Mama
 Laila, Abby, Luisa, Ellie and Cathy
 They brought Laila's 13th birthday cake to share, made by sister Louisa
 They are waiting for that baby boy to come in 2 weeks
~Nathaniel Levi
Adam and Luisa

What a sweet family they are. Cathy and I have been friends since the 1970's. I feel so blessed with my friends!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Love Conquerors All

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

Love conquers death. Love leaves the believer with no closed door to heaven, with no hopelessness of the grave, with no fear of the wrath to come, with no terror of the darkness, with no dread of the proclamation, “Depart from me, I never knew you.” Love loudly exclaims, “Welcome to the place prepared for you. Welcome to my Father’s house. Welcome home!” Love never gives up.

Love conquers life. Life cannot get in the way of love, hinder love’s purpose, or quench its progress. Life’s routine cannot restrict love’s spontaneity; life’s demands cannot quench love’s expression; life’s limitations cannot hinder love’s limitless flow. Love overcomes where life stumbles, love heals where life falters, and love endures where life fails. Love endures every circumstance.

Love conquers angels, principalities, and powers. Love has no fear or dread of the unknown, the unseen, or the unfamiliar. Love’s power cannot be manipulated, hijacked, or counterfeited. Love unlocks the door to every purpose under heaven, releases the grip of every chain that keeps us from doing the Father’s will, and provides the final answer to every mystery that is beyond our own understanding. Love never loses faith.

Love conquers things present. Love is not caught up in trends, fads, what’s “in” or what just went “out.” Love is not captivated by momentary fame or fast fleeing celebrity. Love sees the incomparable, eternal weight of glory, it celebrates the things that endure forever, and it places the expedient upon the altar of the eternal. Love is always hopeful.

Love conquers things to come. Love has perfect vision and eyesight. It looks into the future with the assurance of hope, with a confidence that casts out all fear, and with an unshakeable certainty that His kingdom will come. Love looks past the governments of men to the throne of the King, it looks past financial forecasts to the One who meets every need, it looks past the pundit’s predictions to the promises of a faithful God. Love believes all things.

Love conquers height and depth. Love reaches far beyond the explorations of space or the knowledge of the cosmos. Love goes directly, without hindrance of time or distance, to the very heart of God. There is nothing beyond love’s grasp, nothing below its reach. Love knows where you are and what you need. You will never be outside its borders or too far away to reach you in time. Love never fails.

Love conquers every created thing. Love is better than the best thing, more relevant than the latest thing, more enduring than the longest lasting thing. Love needs no patent, no marketing scheme, no advertising campaign, no money back warranty, and no appraiser to try and determine its value. Love is the greatest thing!
~meet me in the meadow

I am so grateful for God's love to me~Susan

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ashley is 10 years old!

Her Grandma Cindy bought her a Stir Crazy pop corn popper for her birthday and I bought her the ingredients to make yummy popcorn! She loved it!!
Her Mama was in NYC recently and Ashley loves the sweatshirt that she brought back for her.

Eating her favorite at Chopstix Inn, yum, sweet and sour chicken!!!

We had a terrific waitress and she made Ashley a birthday cake with rice, egg roll and candle, then she dragged 2 Chinese girls out of the kitchen and the 3 of them sang "Happy Birthday"!!

Sue Sue and Ashley~oh what joy this one has brought into our lives. I love being her Great Auntie!

Happy 10th Birthday Miss Ashley, I pray you grow up to love and serve Jesus with your whole heart! He has big plans for you if you follow Him!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

He cares for you......

A friend shared this with me so I wanted to share it with you....

What a promise!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Cousin Jill comes for a visit!

I was blessed by having Jill come for a visit. What a sweet time we had.
I would say we look like we are related! Lucky for me!!

I took her to see my favorite B & B in Duluth~The Olcott House was constructed in 1904 by master craftsmen at the exorbitant cost of $140,000.00, at a time when Duluth was home to more millionaires per capita than any other American city. The Antebellum architecture of the mansion showcases soaring pillars, rich mahogany wood panelling, massive mahogany and glass rolling pocket doors, beamed ceilings, antique crystal chandeliers, hardwood floors, bay windows, eleven unique fireplaces and a grand staircase. The estate encompasses five city lots surrounded by the original brick and wrought iron wall.
As one of Minnesota’s historic architectural gems, this 10,000 square foot Georgian Colonial Mansion and Carriage House was the home of William and Fanny Olcott. William Olcott was the University of Michigan's third quarterback in the University's history. This larger than life gentleman eventually came to Duluth rising from company engineer to president of the Oliver Mining Company, now U.S. Steel. With 40,000 men working for him, Mr. Olcott reported directly to John D. Rockefeller. Mr. Rockefeller and his family stayed in the Olcott family home when he toured his Minnesota land holdings in 1928. William Olcott was also president of the Duluth Missabe Northern Railroad for many years, and socially, was president of the exclusive Kitchi Gammi men's club along with other prominent Duluthians such as Chester Congdon, builder and owner of Glensheen Mansion.
The Olcotts raised two daughters in the family home and both girls moved to attend Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. The details of their wondrous childhood, including sailing the Great Lakes on the massive iron ore ship, the S.S. William J. Olcott, are documented in the published memoir, From Log House to Glass House which is available for reading during your stay @ the B & B. Charming and fascinating, guests have loved this personal and rare look into turn-of-the-century Duluth and The Olcott House.
In 1939, the two surviving Olcott children donated the mansion to Duluth Teachers College (now University of Minnesota at Duluth) where it became Olcott Hall, School of Music. In 1957 the mansion was sold to a Lutheran Pastor who used the property for many endeavors such as a printing house, a chapel, a Finnish Lutheran radio studio, and much more. Remarkably, the mansion has remained virtually unchanged throughout the decades.

Then I had to bring her to "my" humble little cabin on the North Shore

We had to have lunch at the Scenic Cafe. This was our view of Lake Superior that day!

Monday, April 2, 2012


~sunset from the bay of lake superior taken by cathy hollinday

Give thanks in everything—1 Thessalonians 5:18
Give thanks for everything—Ephesians 5:20
Pray about everything with thanksgiving—Philippians 4:6
Do all things without murmuring—Philippians 2:14

Thankfulness is the presence of gratitude and the absence of murmuring. Thankfulness is an attitude of appreciation for everything that is received; murmuring is an attitude of complaint for everything that is withheld. Thankfulness is rooted in humility; murmuring is rooted in pride. Thankfulness says, “This is more than I deserve.”; murmuring says, “I deserve more!” Thankfulness is the doorway to contentment; murmuring is the doorway to dissatisfaction. Thankfulness travels on the highway of joy; murmuring travels on the highway of gloom. Thankfulness causes the disposition to be sweet; murmuring causes the disposition to become sour.

Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before Him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are His. We are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and His faithfulness continues to each generation. Psalm 100 NLT

~meet me in the meadow