Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What is your Destiny?

What is your destiny? Why did God create you and for what purpose are you here? Where do you find your completion and your fulfillment?

You will not find the answer to these needs in your ministry, job, or social status. Your completion is not found in any human relationship, and your fulfillment is not found in your work, how much you have, how much you are recognized, or how much you achieve.

Your destiny, your completion, and your fulfillment are found in Jesus! You were not created for yourself or your own pleasure. You we were made for Jesus and His pleasure. You are complete in Him! Your fulfillment is to know Him, walk with Him, fellowship with Him, delight in Him, enjoy Him, love Him, and serve Him. To have Him is to have the highest, the greatest, the wisest, the purest, and the best.

What a glorious, wondrous, marvelous destiny God has purposed, planned, and provided for you in Jesus.

“In Christ alone is the fulfillment of high destiny” J. Sidlow Baxter

~meet me in the meadow

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