(If “for love’s sake” is the right motivation, why do something with a wrong motive?)
Lord, my heart cries out in a love response to You. I can’t think of anything higher or greater than responding to Your will for love’s sake. May Your love move me on, compel me to reach out to others, and to seek Your heart more and more.
(If what you’re seeking is moving you away from God’s heart, why pursue it?)
Lord, I turn my back to all that would turn me away from You. I come to You, I run to You, I press in to know You more and to lay hold of the purpose of why You laid hold of me.
(If the outcome is not God’s best, why settle for it?)
Lord, I refuse to be content with a life that is run-of-the-mill, mediocre, or second-rate. I choose the best that love has to give—I choose You. I choose Your will. I choose Your best. I choose Your glory. I will continue in the race that You have set before me and run it with all my heart.
(If God has told you to wait, why push forward?)
Lord, I lay down my pushiness, my desire to control and manipulate people and circumstances in order to have things turn out the way I want them to. I wait upon You who does all things well. I wait on Your time, I wait on Your way, I wait on Your outcome.
(If God has told you to go, why hold back?)
Lord, where You send me I will go—thankfully, wholly, speedily, contentedly, peacefully, joyfully, lovingly.
Let love be your greatest aim. 1 Corinthians 14:1 TLB
~meet me in the meadow
~This is my prayer for myself that I would desire God's will, not my own. ~Susan
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