Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Simplicity and Wonder

Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive and accept and welcome the kingdom of God like a little child [does] positively shall not enter it at all. Mark 10:15 AMP
As we begin our walk with God in 2011 we need to guard our hearts against certain attitudes that will keep us far from His heart. These include the mind of the proud who wants to know it all; the opinion of the critic who wants to judge it all; the attitude of the narcissist who wants to be it all; the desire of the covetous who wants to have it all.

Instead, walk with God in 2011 as a child. Never lose the simplicity of trust and the world of wonder that a child lives in from day to day. Walk with your eyes on your Father—happy in His presence, content in His care, awed by His greatness, delighted by His surprises, secure in His love.
Let your prayer be similar to one spoken by Vance Havner, “Lord, let me never get used to living. Keep afresh in my heart a childlike wonder. Above all, let me never get used to being a Christian. Let me walk with a constant sense of surprise and expectancy. Why should there be a dull moment in the life of a Christian when every hour is a fresh adventure in faith and love?”

The following quote became the signature of the life of Gypsy Smith, the well known evangelist who lived into his eighties, “I have never lost the wonder.” May you never lose the simplicity of trusting His love and the wonder of watching Him work in marvelous ways.
~meet me in the meadow
....This spoke to me today and tugged at my heart so I wanted to share it with you. May it tug at yours.
Love, Susan


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