Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"I am always with you"

The Moon and Star on Earth

"I am with you always" Matthew 28:20 NKJV

What is God telling us when He says “I am with you always?” Here are some things I hear Him saying…

I am near. Don’t doubt my presence for a single moment. I have promised you. I am the true and faithful God. Be as certain of Me fulfilling my promise as I was when I first spoke it. Don’t doubt it. Let your heart be quiet with this assurance! I am with you because I care about you. I am with you because I love you. I am with you because I want to be with you. I am with you because I desire to have fellowship with you. There will never be a time, a moment, a second when you are without me. I am with you now. With you tomorrow. With you in the dark times. With you in the hard times. With you in the glad times. With you through all the times of your life—when you are young, when you are old, when you are busy, when you are still, when you journey and when you return home.
~meet me in the meadow

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