Monday, March 8, 2010

Reflections on every day living...............

Some thoughts are practical, some are simple, some are fun, but all are meant to make life richer and more rewarding.

* When you greet people, look them in the eye. When they speak, give them your attention.
* When someone speaks to you in anger, let your response be a soft answer.
* Learn how to receive a compliment.
* You can't always be on the giving end. When others give to you, receive it with as much grace and kindness as is being extended.
* Learn to laugh more - it's great medicine.
* Never need "a little more" in order to be content.
* Three things to remember about people: their names, their birthdays, a few of their favorite things.
* Find a place away from city lights and gaze into the heavens on a clear night.
* Call or send a card for no reason.
* If you don't need it, do without it if it means going into debt.
* Tithe - you can never out-give God.
* Let people know you appreciate them for who they are and not just what they do.
* Sing around the house. Church isn't the only place to praise the Lord.
* Fix a special meal, served on special china, for no special reason.
* The best time to treat anything that needs maintenance is "right now."
* Never allow what you possess to possess you.
* Return the thing you borrow in better condition than you receive it.
* Don't ever forget to return the things you borrow, fix the things you break, pay the bills you owe, take care of the things you own.
* If you are not sure what to do in a given situation, ask, "What is the loving thing to do?"
* Take a class in music appreciation.
* Do something new with an old friend.
* Guard trust in any relationship.
* Don't ever lose heart - God will never give up on you.
* Never let your heart run out of thankfulness.
* One place to “be like Jesus” is behind the wheel of your car.
* Don't feel inferior to anyone. God made only one of you.
* When you do something, put everything you have into it.
* Don't carry around worry, fear or anxiety. They are the thieves of peace.
* Hold things with an open palm.
* Guard the company you keep. It will impact your behavior.
* Never quit giving the gift of your smile.
~meet me in the meadow

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