Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Delia!

What made us Friends in the long ago when we first met? ???? Well I think I know..........

What a blessing you have been to me Delia! God blessed us with friendship since we were 8 years old when we officially met at Washkish Bible Camp. Altho Mom tells us we met when we were babies and we even shared the same blanket on the floor! What we wouldn't give for a picture of that!! To think that even that day God knew we would grow up and be the dearest of friends to each other and to be sisters of encouragement to each other along the way?! God is so good and I am glad our friendship was part of His Plan!

Happiest of birthday's, 57 looks mighty good on you! I wonder what adventure we will go on to celebrate our 50 years of friendship??? I can't wait!!

Love you!

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