Wednesday, October 28, 2009

~lunch hour stroll in England-photo by Robert Stewart
The grass withers, the flower fades. but the word of our God stands forever.
Isaiah 40:8

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dinner Guests!

Linda and Rolland and nephew Philip.
Rolland works at Teen Challenge and always
was a favorite of Philip's when he was in the
program. We all go to the same church. A good
time was had by all!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

~photos by Delia when we were up the North Shore

"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength: They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." .....Isaiah 40:31

So many of us are going through trials, this verse is a reminder that our strength comes from God and He has promised us if we trust Him He will give us what we need to complete our journey. love to you today. ~Susan

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Delia!

What made us Friends in the long ago when we first met? ???? Well I think I know..........

What a blessing you have been to me Delia! God blessed us with friendship since we were 8 years old when we officially met at Washkish Bible Camp. Altho Mom tells us we met when we were babies and we even shared the same blanket on the floor! What we wouldn't give for a picture of that!! To think that even that day God knew we would grow up and be the dearest of friends to each other and to be sisters of encouragement to each other along the way?! God is so good and I am glad our friendship was part of His Plan!

Happiest of birthday's, 57 looks mighty good on you! I wonder what adventure we will go on to celebrate our 50 years of friendship??? I can't wait!!

Love you!

Friday, October 23, 2009

God is our guide

~painting by Otis Reed
As your Guide God will…
Tell you when it’s time to go ( Genesis 12:1)
Guide you in His strength (Exodus 15:13)
Give you rest (Exodus33:14)
Go before you (Numbers 14:14)
Light your darkness (2 Samuel 22:29)
Provide for you (Nehemiah 9:20)
Lead you in paths of righteousness (Psalm 23:3)
Guide you in truth and faithfulness (Psalm 25:5)
Teach you His way (Psalm 25:9)
Keep His eye upon you (Psalm 32:8)
Give you His counsel (Psalm 73:24)
Correct your course if you start to drift (Isaiah 30:21)
Not leave you or forsake you (Isaiah 42:16)
Nurture you (Isaiah 58:11)
Be your companion (Jeremiah 3:4)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

God is Our Rock!

Chaco National Monument ~photo by William Conk
If I were going on a safari, I would want a guide who had the fire power to stop a charging wild beast from devouring me. If I were traveling through the desert, I would want a guide who knew where all the wells were located. If I were traveling through the jungle, I would want a guide who knew the trail and could get me to my destination.

As we travel through life we need more than tips or well intended advice, we need a true Guide. We need a true Guide because we need to be guided. Sadly, many people seek guidance from guides who do not know the way and lead them to dead ends. God is the only true, trustworthy, fully qualified Guide there is who can rightly direct our steps and lead us in the way we should go. If we have the right Guide, we will know the right guidance.

We must first yield ourselves to God before we can know His guidance. God wants to rule in our hearts before He guides us and directs our steps. Guidance comes out of relationship. Elisabeth Elliot, in her book on guidance, reminds us that “When God spoke to Moses from out of the burning bush, first came the ‘I Am’ then came the ‘Do this.’” When it comes to our future, Elisabeth Elliot also reminds us that, “God knows the way, He has been over every foot of it.”

The Palmist, David, tells us in Psalm 31:3, “For You are my rock and my fortress; therefore, for Your name's sake, lead me and guide me.” Before David asked God to lead and guide him, David knew that God was his rock and fortress—his safety, his protection, and security. Because David trusted God for his life, he could also trust God for his future. For David, God’s guidance also meant God’s glory. David did not ask God to guide him in ways that would make David look good, but that would exalt the Lord’s name.

For the believer, God’s guidance is one of the greatest issues that must be settled in the heart. God’s guidance is what separates the believer from the world. God is looking for those who want His way in their lives instead of their own way. The ones who know God’s guidance are those who have said in their hearts, “God, I am trusting in your plans for my life instead of pursuing my own plans.”

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Sister Cindy's Birthday!

Happy 53rd birthday Dear Sister of Mine. Here you are being a Grandma to Ashley and a good Daughter to Mom! You wear many hats and you do it well. Our family would be lost without you. Please know how much you are loved and appreciated.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Birthday lunch in Deer River Take 2!

Grandpa Jack and the munchkins! Taylor with 2 of her young Great Aunties!!
Sue Sue, John and Taylor

Robert, Mandy and Preston

Bryan, Ami, Taylor, Maddi and Trenton

Many were missing for various reasons, but a good time was had by all!

Birthday Lunch in Deer River

Jason, Carol, Jared and Hannah

Colin and Morgan

Charlie and Mike

Cindy and Charlie

Jessica and Jonathan

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fear and Faith

photo from William Conk~sunrise on Long Island

Fear is a thief; faith is a rewarder. Fear questions and retreats; faith takes the things God has promised and moves forward. Fear lets the inheritance we have in Christ go unclaimed; faith takes hold of its possessions. Fear quivers; faith fights. Fear says, "later"; faith says, "now." Fear is defeat; faith is victory. Fear tears us down; faith moves us up. Fear says, "how?"; faith says, "God!"

Look, the LORD your God has set the land before you; go up and possess it, as the LORD God of your fathers has spoken to you; do not fear or be discouraged. Deuteronomy 1:21

~From the soon to be released devotional book "In His Hands" from

Saturday, October 10, 2009

First Day of Snow in Duluth

I woke up to this! 24 degrees at the airport here in Duluth. Note my back and front yards. Sympathy cards are being accepted!

Jay Cooke State Park Yesterday

Delia and I drove thru Jay Cooke State Park, thinking the day was so lovely and tomorrow it may change!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Cindy brought Dad to the vitreo-retinal specialist today to have a follow up appt on his left eye. Last time he had to have his eye injected because he has blood in the back of his eye. Today they found no blood, she was amazed as she said it usually takes 3 injections for the blood to disappear. Dad is grateful for God's healing touch. Hannah, our niece came with to keep Cindy in line! We all met for a late lunch with Philip joining us. Of course we had to play with our cameras!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Great Quotes

I follow where Thou leadest, what are bruises?
There are cool leaves of healing on Thy tree;
Lead Thou me on. Thy heavenly wisdom chooses
In love for me.
Thy lover then, like happy homing swallow
That crosses hill and plain and lonely sea,
All unafraid, so I will fearless follow,
For love of Thee.
-Amy Carmichael
(she was a Christian Missionary to India who opened an orphanage and founded a mission, she died in India after serving there for 55 years at the age of 83)
Your sigh is able to move the heart of Jehovah. Your whisper can incline His ear to you. Your prayer can stay His hand, and your faith can move His arm. Do not think that God sits on high taking no account of you.
-Charles Spurgeon
"For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” 2 Chronicles 16:9 NASB

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nurse on Line Friends

Lovely lunch today @ Cindy's who is recovering from shoulder surgery. Seen here with Shelly.

Karla K, Susan and Mary standing. Geri and Cindy in front. We solved all the world's problems over a yummy lunch! A good time was had by all!

Happy October!

The God we are trusting to take care of us forever is the same God who can take care of us today.

What is the one great, overarching, overriding lesson that God is trying to teach you and me through the scriptural account and the daily events in our lives? Boiled down into its most succinct form, the lesson could be stated in just two words: Trust Me.

~D. James Kennedy

Lord, help us to trust Thee lest our ulcers be our badge of unbelief.

~Peter Marshall

May October be a month that we thrust Him more ~Susan