Sunday, December 15, 2013

Terri Sallsness Graham turned 50 on December 8th, 2013

Terri and wonderful hubby Dave!
Her 2 step daughters who love her!!

Terri, Janet and I worked in the CICU together at St. Luke's, Terri and I were neighbors on 11th Street, and now Terri and I work at Essentia Heath together at "The Nurse Care Line."

Your family put on a great party for you! Your Mom said "Nothing but the best for our Terri!!" You are loved! May your 50th year be blessed!!!
Love you!!

David Paul Rohling January 14, 1977-November 22, 2013

 We gathered at  Hope Community Church in Mpls to say goodbye to David. He was the "Son by Affection" to Steve and Delia. They poured love and Jesus into him. He was smart and talented and had many struggles. We believe he is with Jesus and that his death was a Severe Mercy. God took him home because He knew how hard it was for David to live for Him on this earth.

 Here he is much younger David than his 36 years but it shows his snappy blue eyes and his lovely smile.
 We represent his Mt. Tabor Family~ sitting is Rachel, Toni and Denise. Standing is Jesse, Mel, Steve, Delia, Susan, Philip, Nick and Becky.
 His family by affection~The Splans. Jesse, Delia (David called her Mom), Steve, Becky and Nick.
 Nick and Becky came from Colorado for a long weekend.....
Toni and I ventured from Duluth in a bit of a snowstorm, but God was gracious and kept us safe. It was so good to be together on Saturday December 14, 2013. Rest in Jesus Dear David, your struggles are over...........

2013 Annual St. Luke's Alumni Christmas Luncheon at the Northland Country Club

Our Christmas luncheon started with a wonderful lunch, followed by dessert and then we had the pleasure of listening to music from Kurt, Sue, David and Charlie Kemper. Kurt and Sue are Internal Medicine Doctors at St. Luke's and as a family the play great music. Dad, Kurt read a few funny jokes to to make us smile!
 Charlie at the drums, age 14, Kurt on the trumpet, David on the trombone, age 16. I loved watching Charlie, he looked like he was going to burst out laughing a few times! I bet all of our lovely "old" faces smiling at him made him want to laugh out loud!!!
 Both boys play the piano also, here Charlie plays "Moonlight Sonata".....Mom Sue plays the piano for most of the pieces....
 Here they are, what a great family! Guess the boys are on the swim team also!
 My friend Carol from the class of 1972! She is so pretty, she never ages!
 Bonnie class of 1973, Barbara and I from the class of 1974 and we all worked together in the CICU!
 Joanne is from the class of 1958 and she was my first head nurse, we also had another bond, she was raised in Deer River too! Jean is from the class of 1950!
 Joan is from the class of 1949, Evie is from the class of 1960 and she is our Alumni President and keeps us on our toes. Lois is from the class of 1953 (the year I was born!!)
Myself, with Judy our treasurer of the organization) and she is from the class of 1959, and Bonnie.
We make up the Board of Directors. We are missing Georgia and Patty today as they are home keeping warm!

Love these ladies who make me smile. Many nursing hours in this group!

2013 The Christmas Season Begins

The tree trimming begins~ Steve and Marlene put the tree in the stand.......
 Jerry is on "light duty" as he had double hernia repair surgery 6 days prior! He is showing off my lovely new garland! I had to teach him to splint his incisions, for fear our laughing would open his wounds!!
 The tree is trimmed and a lovely tree it is! Friends are wonderful! I could not do this alone!!!
 Steve, Marlene, Toni, myself and Jerry! What a great team we were!!!
Me and the boys, I love our new tradition!We enjoyed a yummy lunch prepared by Toni and myself!!
Same time, same station in 2014??? Let's hope!