Friday, June 28, 2013

Stop Keeping Score

 Stop Keeping Score

If someone has hurt you, don't spend the next ten years of your life hurting yourself by hanging on to that offense. Most likely, the other person isn't even thinking about you, while you dwell on the incident for years. That only hurts one person, you.

When we walk in unforgiveness, we try to "keep score," viewing ourselves as b
etter than the other person.

Back in the early days of our marriage, when Dave and I were fussing and fuming at each other, I would bring up stuff that happened years before and Dave would say, "Where do you keep all that stuff?" Well, I had a place, and it was all in there eating at me. And every new thing Dave did wrong would get added to this list, and it kept growing until it became a bitter giant in my heart.

When we walk in God's love, we find freedom by keeping "no account" of wrongs done to us. If you're hurting from the pain of unforgiveness today, ask God to help you stop keeping score. You can let go of your bitterness today.

Prayer Starter: God, I don't want to keep score anymore and let my unforgiveness hurt me. I release it to You and ask You to help me walk in Your love, which keeps "no account of the evil done to it."
~Joyce Meyers
my cousin shared this on facebook today and it really hit home to me about something i was hanging on to. I so want to walk in His love.........Susan

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dad's and Alex's Birthday June 7th Weekend

On Friday night we gathered at Blueberry Bowl for Pizza and Bowling to celebrate Alex's13th birthday. Cousins and 2nd cousin's here!
 Robert and his 2 boys Preston and Peyton!
 Morgan and Colin and Alex and Charlie in the back,
 Today his candle was in homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies. Most everyone ate dessert before the pizza came! Yum, they were good!
 Sisters Maddi and Taylor. Everyone is having fun bowling!
 Carol, Hannah, Gavin and Jason. Anyone know where Jared is???
 Grandpa Great with Maddi! She is such a love bug!!
 Ami's children made this sign for his door! Good job Taylor, Maddi and Trenton!
 The Birthday Boys! Alex age 13 and his Great Grandpa is 85!
 2nd Cousin's Ashley and Taylor!
 Robert's T-shirt. Many in the family are Duck Dynasty fans!!
 Cousins Taylor and little Hailey! She is a doll!
 Handsome Peyton in his Mama's glasses!!
 Jason visiting Dad in his room after the festivities!
 Jeff and Angie come and visit Grandpa!
Dad and his girlfriend Jill! (don't tell her husband!!)

It was a very fun weekend for all of us, so good to see Dad doing better and enjoying the festivities!
God is so good!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

7 weeks of Dad in the Hospital /Nursing Home and his Ups and Downs

This journey started when he was admitted to the 
Hospital on April 13th, 20013.
A few days after being in with pneumonia, he starts 
To look better!
Drinking a malt from Shelley's, it is the biggest malt
I have ever seen!!
Ashley visits her Great Grandpa
Gavin and Elise moved to Minnesota
Little Anna kisses great Grandpa goodbye!
I had to take this picture because he never wears his 
Hair parted on the side! He looks like his Dad or his 
Brother Marion!
Looking at all the cards that Brianne's little friends 
From school made for ôhim!
Peyton and Hailey with Grandpa Great!
Happy Grandpa, he loves when the little ones visit!
Peyton loves to pick Dandelions! Big brother Preston looks on!
Sweet Preston looks on!
Preston made a bracelet for Grandpa Great!!!
Dad not feeling well. Hug from Trenton!
Hug from Taylor!
Hug from Maddi!tired sisters
Tired sisters with Dad, Sue Sue and Cindy!,
Yes, he is eating an Arby's Roast Beef!!
Buds for sure. Clarence and Dad!
Looking at his laptop!!
Peyton loving on GG!
Crazy Kerry Wester telling Dad all about the "Sound of Music" Singalong she went too!
Dad loves her, she makes him laugh!!
We get a smile!!
His drink of choice this week was Mountain Dew!!
Drinking a pomegranate grape smoothie, he decided
He would not order it again!! Ha ha!!
He really wants to get stronger so he can go home! 
May God give him the desires of his heart!

I forgot to add this picture, and it is my favorite! Dad was shaving and one of the cute little nurses aides came in and he said to her, you are so pretty! I turned to the person sitting with me and said he is such a flirt! He started laughing just as I shot the photo!