Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week at the Cabin Take 2!

Connie, Uncle Ross and Cindy
Cousins~Connie Barb and Susan

Cousins~Dennis, Connie, Susan, Barb and Sandi

1970 Wedding Reenactment~Sandi (flower girl), Susan (Maid of Honor), Barb and Ray (Bride and Groom), and Wade (Ring Bearer)

Cousins~ Ring Bearer and Flower Girl!!

Sweet, Sweet week with Cousins/Family!

God is so good to bless us with so many to love!!

Week at the Cabin

16 out of 45 First Cousins!
Girl Cousins~Connie, Barb, Cindy, Sandi, Linda and Susan

California Cousin Connie loves her Uncles~ Ross and Jack!

Connie and her sweet hubby Dave!

First Born Cousin Bill with his Uncle Jack

Oh what a fun week we had!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Increased Capacity

~mt. ranier photo by cousin dean benham

For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness. Psalm 107:9

The potter can take a lump of clay and form it into a vessel that holds a pint of water. The potter can also take the same lump of clay and form it into a vessel that holds twice the amount of water. This is done by the potter’s skillful hands as he reshapes the vessel to increase its capacity to hold more.

Do you sense the hands of your Heavenly Potter shaping and stretching you as His vessel? He is doing it to increase your capacity to receive more of His fullness—His life, His love, His strength, His power, His grace.

“The souls which thirst for His promises may evermore be filled from His abundance.” -Gelasian

“Not a prayer, not an act of faithfulness in your calling, not a self-denying or kind word or deed; not a weariness or painfulness endured patiently; not a duty performed; not a temptation resisted; but it enlarges the whole soul for the endless capacity of the love of God.” – E.B. Pusey
~meet me in meadow