Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last weekend with Friends and Family!!

Yvonne, Dianne, Evelyn, Elaine and standing
Susan and Toni. Friends for life celebrating Toni
and Elaine's Birthdays!! (Y & D are both going thru chemo,
we have so much to be thankful for!)
Sisters~ Cindy, Sandi and Susan
Oh how I love these two!

Grandma Cindy and Ashley!

Ashley with her Great Auntie Sue Sue!!
~ what a thrill to be loved by these young ones!!

Autumn in the Northland!

Saturday when we were out to garage sales
St. Louis River in Jay Cooke
A neighborhood near by this morning after work

So very lovely as the sun shines thru the trees!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Prayer of Comfort.....

The Boston Light

Through the tears, Oh God, I bring my hurting heart to You. I cry out with all that is within me, to You, the One who is my comfort and my Comforter. You know my weeping, You see my sorrow, You hear my cry. My tears drop upon the pages of Your book that hold the promises of hope and comfort that You have written for me to lean upon. Thank You that You have drawn close to me to gather my tears and keep them in Your bottle; to assure me that you will not forget about me or be indifferent to what I am going through.

Jesus, You wept, You are acquainted with grief, You were wounded, You were rejected, You were a man of sorrows. As my High-Priest, You have born my burdens, You have carried my sorrows, You have compassion upon me. Thank You for praying for me with an understanding, all-encompassing, never-failing love.

Holy Spirit, thank You that you have come…sent by Jesus, to me, for me, as my Helper and Comforter. I receive Your ministry of love, tenderness, and mercy. Draw me close to the healing heart of Jesus, to the embracing arms of the Father.

Lord, how great, how good, how compassionate You are. Thank You for Your promise to wipe away all tears from my face. Thank You for being my true Comforter, the One who renews, refreshes…the One who restores and keeps my soul.

Scriptures: Ps 23, 56:8, 116:8, 126, Isaiah 25:8, John 14:26-27, John 16:7, 2 Corinthians 1:3-6, Hebrews 5:7, 7:26

~meet me in the meadow

To all my family and friends who are struggling , may God be your comfort. Love, Susan

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 15th Happy 50th Birthday Brother Jeff

Here you are with your 2 favorite girls!
Happiest of Birthdays Dear Brother of Mine.
Love you lots and lots! OXOXOX

Monday, September 13, 2010

Change after a life crisis..........

autumn in germany

‎"You cannot go through a life-crisis and come out the other side unchanged.
The fire will consume or refine—devour or strengthen—but it must leave
its mark upon you. Adversity doesn't have to harm us, but it must alter
us. And you, of course, are the only one who gets to choose whether this
... change will be for the better or the worse...." ~ Rev. John Stumbo

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Family this past week......

Brian, Stacy, Brianne and Joshua visited over Labor Day
Silly Brianne in her cousin Ashley's costume!

Spider Man in the tree!

Our cute little Ashley is the spider man!

Jason and Carol, Hannah and Jared

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hydrangea Time!!

My Friend Marlene's Hydrangea Bush

Now they reside at my house! She always shares!

Marlene and her sweet hubby Tad

Marlene and I!
I always feel so blessed when she shares my favorite flower with me!
Love you Marlene and Tad!!

Happy Birthday Dear Brother of Mine!

My goofy brother Jason turned 47 today!
Love you goofy brother!

Monday, September 6, 2010

God is........

~photo by Cheryl Reed Farmer-Alaska from a train
…God Is
For every hectic day, God is your quiet rest.
For every painful experience, God is your healing touch.
For every disappointment, God is your certain hope.
For every turbulent storm, God is your calming peace.
For every hurtful action, God is your forgiving love.

Happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God. Psalm 146:5 AMP

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fun visit with Carol Pearsall Brankin "Tizzy"

Here we are in 90 degree weather trying on our new scarves!
We have a glow about us!!
Tizzy and Susan

Tizzy and Lois` the 3 of us graduated from nursing school together!
Tizzy lives in Chicago and visits us every summer!

The old Central High School....Tizzy's Mom went there!

Lovely Lake Superior